Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Bit of Reflection at the 1-Month Mark

Today I reached the 1-month mark for my life list. As I was reflecting on how it's been going, I happened to catch an interview with Diane Sawyer, who was asked how students at Virginia Tech were handling things after the tragic shootings. She replied, "They thought they had all the time in the world. Now they know they don't. How sad that they're faced with that."

I agree. I blissfully made it to my forties before my sense of impermanence hit me. That's when I started thinking about doing a life list. Maybe I'd have achieved more if I'd thought about it earlier, but I like to think that it's a newfound joy for living rather than a fear of death that moves me forward.

Anyway, I'm still doing my life list - one thing every day that's new, fun or challenging. So far, so good.

Here's the list to date:

#1 Buy Dom Perignon champagne
#2 Play an American Idol drinking game
#3 Dare to buy very delicate flowers
#4 Make it into a gossip column
#5 Fly a kite
#6 Learn to patch a hole
#7 Jog instead of walk
#8 Hold a snake
#9 Say only positive things to my son for a day
#10 Go thrift shopping
#11 Do pushups
#12 Get organized
#13 Take my pigs to the races
#14 Switch to reusable grocery bags
#15 Record a podcast
#16 Vote ( American Idol)
#17 Attempt to cook shrimp
#18 Buy sexy shoes
#19 Finally see The Godfather
#20 Treat myself to a Cinnabon
#21 Start a file of memories about my son
#22 Go bowling
#23 Celebrate the launch of my novel, THE NEXT THING ON MY LIST
#24 Sign my first "autograph" at a reading at Borders
#27 Write a letter of gratitude to my oldest friend
#28 Try the Guitar Hero game
#29 Demand better service
#30 Trek downtown for lunch
#31 Pause & reflect...and take a yummy bath with my new chocolate soap bubbles


Brigid said...

Chocolate soap bubbles?
Are you STILL submerged in that bath?
(BTW, you look abfab in your 'reflection'...)

Anonymous said...

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