Monday, June 25, 2007

Life List Day 98 - Face the Worst of Horrors...Swimsuit Shopping

After a while, I get tired of starring in my own Cathy cartoon strip - screaming "AAACK" from the dressing room as I try on swimsuits.

Today, at the suggestion of my Aunt Marcy, I bought a suit online at Lands' End, thus avoiding all that misery... or at least postponing it until it arrives in the mail.

The cool part: I could actually try it on a model based on my measurements (although you have to take it with a grain of salt - the swimsuit fits neatly over her proportions, no annoying riding up like happens in real life). And maybe the worst of horrors wasn't buying the swimsuit - it was taking my measurements so I could.


Faith said...

I just did the whole swimsuit shopping thing a few weeks ago. Considering my weight, it was a truly horrifying event. The shirred front of the bathing suit that's supposed to disguise your figure flaws is pulled so taut across my gut that there is no shirring evident.

Your way sounds better.

Anonymous said...

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