Sunday, August 19, 2007

Life List Day 154 - A Missed Drum Circle...and a Nice Sit on the Pier

This was one I was looking forward to: I planned to join in on a drum circle advertised in the local paper. It was supposed to be at the pier at 9 AM, and open to anyone. A drum circle - a bunch of people sitting around banging wildly and freely on drums - is the sort of thing I'd HATE, which is exactly why I was dying to try it.

Alas, I got there and there were no drummers to be found.

I waited and looked for a half-hour and - when I finally accepted that it wasn't going to happen - I took a seat on the pier & just watched the world go by for a while...not what I wanted to do, but an OK moment for my life list anyway. Sometimes things don't go the way you planned and you have to march to the beat of a different drummer.


Anonymous said...

I don't think a drum circle is exactly "pounding away madly." It is supposed to be more like "pounding in rhythm with the universe" or something like that. Not that I would know, I'm a CPA of midwestern Scandinavian heritage. We don't DO things like that :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the owner of this blog. Ive enjoyed reading this topic.