Tonight, I went with my friend Michele to see the musical Wicked at the Pantages Theater. It's not something I'd normally do (I'm not big on musicals) but my friend said she's been wanting to see it, and I thought, "what the heck."
Actually, I read the book Wicked - which I loved - but wondered how on earth they were going to make play out of it without making everyone leave and slit their wrists. It wasn't exactly a cheery tale.
To my surprise, the play was funny, and a salute to friendship. The production numbers were entertaining, and whenever I see live theater I'm always amazed how these people can remember all their lines...plus sing them! I enjoyed myself quite a bit (although word to the guy in front of me with the world's largest head: SIT STILL).
i, too, am not big on musicals but went and saw wicked last year and was pleasantly surprised at how much i enjoyed it. i just read the book last month and yeah, totally different. they just took a sliver of the beginning and ran with it. both very good pieces of work, in their own way.
If only the wicked were always so obvious…
To the owner of this blog, how far youve come?
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