Monday, October 8, 2007

Life List Day 202 - A Ride Up the Coast (and an Update on a Kitty)

My parents are visiting from Michigan, and today we'd made no plans other than hanging out. On a whim, I said, "How about we drive up the coast and find someplace for lunch?" They were game, so we did - ending up at Gladstones in Malibu. All in all, a nice last-minute trek.

Oh, and the update on the stray cat situation ...

I found out that what I thought was a ferile cat lives RIGHT NEXT DOOR (and I actually had an appointment today to take her in to the vet to have her ear looked at...I thought it was infected). Anyway, I learned that the cat walks funny because she'd been attacked as a kitten and is now mildly retarded. I'm glad she has a home ... I can just enjoy her when she visits (and she does several times a day) but then give her back. Kind of like a grandma!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoever owns this blog, I would like to say that he has a great idea of choosing a topic.