Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Life List Day 135 - Accept that All Work and No Play Makes Jill a Dull (and Crabby) Girl

I'm in full packing mode, my move to my beach house being scheduled for August 3. Today, my friend Kirsten emailed me to say she was going to El Torito for her son, Marko's, birthday, and could Danny and I join? I emailed her back with apologies - I was so frantically packing, I couldn't possibly make time.

Then - I thought about how I'm trying to fit more joy into my life as part of my life list. Sure, the new house is a huge source of happiness. But so is getting together with friends.

So I emailed her back with a big fat yes.


Madeleine said...

Uh, perhaps a daily quest is not so daunting after all. I might even try to smile at my ornery neighbors today in hopes of clipping off a thorn or two.

soleil said...

are you going to post a picture of your beach house?

Anonymous said...

Joy is good. Be glad you were not on That Bridge. Enjoy your friends!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the blog owner. What a blog! nice idea.