Monday, April 30, 2007

Life List Day 43 - Start Gone With the Wind

I'd put GONE WITH THE WIND at the top of my things-to-read-before-I-die list. Today, I decided I'd pick up a copy and read Chapter 1 for my life list. If I like it, I'll keep reading.

All I can say is that it was a good thing I decided this BEFORE getting to the libary.

Did you know it's 1,036 pages? And small type, too! I must have known subconsiously that it was such a beast, which is why I've managed to avoid it until now.

Or maybe it's just because before I started my life list frankly, Scarlett, I never gave enough of a damn.


Anonymous said...

I'd have to put finishing GONE WITH THE WIND on my list. I've started it a handful of times over the years but I always got blown into other directions. I think it was the type that was killing me. Good luck to killing that beast of a book, page by page!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the owner of this blog. Ive enjoyed reading this topic.